Feeding Desire: Design and the Tools of the Table, 1500-2005 by Ellen Lupton, Darra Goldstein, Sarah D. Coffin, Barbara Bloemink

Feeding Desire: Design and the Tools of the Table, 1500-2005

Ellen Lupton, Darra Goldstein, Sarah D. Coffin, Barbara Bloemink

288 pages first pub 2006 (editions)

art informative slow-paced
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Feeding Desire: Design and the Tools of the Table, 1500-2005 by Ellen Lupton, Darra Goldstein, Sarah D. Coffin, Barbara Bloemink is a perfect fit for the reader who is fascinated by the intersection of art, design, and culture, and is eager to explore the rich history and evolution of the tools that bring people together around the table.


Eating is a social ritual. From dinner dates to everyday suppers, casual picnics to lavish feasts, dining brings people together for far more than satisfying the needs of the body. For centuries, cutlery has served as extensions of our hands, enri...

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