Tibetan Soul: Stories by Alai Alai
Tibetan Soul: Stories

Alai Alai

Tibetan Soul: Stories

Alai Alai with Chen Zeping (Translator)

260 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction classics literary adventurous medium-paced
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Tibetan Soul: Stories by Alai Alai is a captivating read for the curious and open-minded traveler, adventurer, and cultural enthusiast who seeks to delve into the authentic, unvarnished realities of Tibet, beyond the romanticized myths and legends.


Alai has said that he seeks to demystify Tibet and to depict the Tibetan reality--the "noun" rather than the "adjectivized" Tibet offered by some outsiders. The stories collected here present various Tibetan realities, some drawn from legends, oth...

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