Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, Theory & Practice Volume 1: Congruence by Per-Anders Tengland, Jules Seeman, Soti Grafanaki, Jerold D. Bozarth, Peter F. Schmid, Germain Lietaer, Sheila Haugh, Ivan Ellingham, Barbara Temaner Brodley, Leslie S. Greenberg, Mia Leijssen, Tony Merry, Gill Wyatt, Shari M. Geller

242 pages first pub 2001 (editions)

nonfiction informative medium-paced
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Genuineness, transparency, authenticity and realness are all terms used to convey Rogers' concept of congruence. This book is the first to specifically focus on, and collect critical explorations of, this under under-studied therapeutic condition....

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