Energize Your Leadership: Discover, Ignite, Break Through by Carol Dougherty, Larae Quy, Cynthia Bazin

Energize Your Leadership: Discover, Ignite, Break Through

Carol Dougherty, Larae Quy, Cynthia Bazin

230 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business economics informative reflective medium-paced
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Energize Your Leadership: Discover, Ignite, Break Through by Carol Dougherty, Larae Quy, Cynthia Bazin is a good fit for a reader who is a leader, entrepreneur, or professional seeking to reignite their passion, purpose, and energy to achieve success and make a meaningful impact in their personal and professional lives.


Energize Your Leadership springs from a collaboration of 16 leaders from around the world who came together online. They recognized a lack of energy, excitement and sense of purpose in the leaders they interact with each day. As they explored ways...

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