America Pacifica: A Novel by Anna North, Vic Braden, Bill Bruns
America Pacifica: A Novel

Anna North, Vic Braden, Bill Bruns

America Pacifica: A Novel

Anna North, Vic Braden, Bill Bruns

297 pages missing pub info (editions)

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America Pacifica: A Novel by Anna North, Vic Braden, Bill Bruns is a gripping and challenging read that will captivate fans of dystopian fiction, particularly those who enjoy stories about resilience, self-discovery, and the struggle for social justice in the face of oppression, as well as those who appreciate complex characters, morally ambiguous themes, and a richly detailed world-building.


Eighteen-year-old Darcy lives on the island of America Pacifica--one of the last places on earth that is still habitable, after North America has succumbed to a second ice age. Education, food, and basic means of survival are the province of a cho...

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