Combinatorial Designs for Authentication and Secrecy Codes by Michael Huber

Combinatorial Designs for Authentication and Secrecy Codes

Foundations and Trends(r) in Communications and Information

Michael Huber

108 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction computer science technology informative medium-paced
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For the reader who craves a deep dive into the cutting-edge world of computer and communication security, Combinatorial Designs for Authentication and Secrecy Codes by Michael Huber is a treasure trove of expert knowledge, offering a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of the revolutionary applications of combinatorial designs in cryptography and information security.


Combinatorial Designs for Authentication and Secrecy Codes is a succinct in-depth review and tutorial of a subject that promises to lead to major advances in computer and communication security. This monograph provides a tutorial on combinatorial ...

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