My Life as a Spy: One of America's Most Notorious Spies Finally Tells His Story by John A. Walker

My Life as a Spy: One of America's Most Notorious Spies Finally Tells His Story

John A. Walker

349 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction autobiography biography memoir
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This memoir is a gripping and thought-provoking read for anyone fascinated by the complexities of espionage, the Cold War, and the moral gray areas that come with questioning authority and challenging the status quo, making it a compelling choice for history buffs, true crime enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the human side of a high-stakes, real-life spy story.


John A. Walker Jr. was a Chief Warrant Officer and communications specialist for the US Navy. In 1985, he was arrested for selling classified secrets to the Soviet Union. Upon his arrest it was revealed that he had been acting as a spy from 1968 t...

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