Ich Brauchte Den Schinken. Wirklich!Ein Bilderbuch Aus Dem Ganz Normalen Wg Wahnsinn by Oonagh O'Hagan, Oonagh O'Hagan, Lewis Gropp
Ich Brauchte Den Schinken. Wirklich!Ein Bilderbuch Aus Dem Ganz Normalen Wg Wahnsinn

Oonagh O'Hagan, Oonagh O'Hagan, Lewis Gropp

Ich Brauchte Den Schinken. Wirklich!Ein Bilderbuch Aus Dem Ganz Normalen Wg Wahnsinn

Oonagh O'Hagan, Oonagh O'Hagan, Lewis Gropp

missing page info Add in missing page information first pub 2007 (editions)

nonfiction funny informative lighthearted medium-paced
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Presenting four-color reproductions of all kinds of notes between roommates along with her own witty commentary, Oonagh O’Hagan humorously reveals the ridiculous experiences, twisted battles, and petty desperation of people who have to live togeth...

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