Nicaragua, 1961-1990. Volume 1: The Downfall of the Somosa Dictatorship by David François

Nicaragua, 1961-1990. Volume 1: The Downfall of the Somosa Dictatorship


David François

64 pages first pub 2019 (editions)

informative medium-paced
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Nicaragua, 1961-1990. Volume 1: The Downfall of the Somosa Dictatorship by David François is a gripping and meticulously researched account of a pivotal moment in modern history, making it a compelling read for anyone fascinated by military history, politics, and the complexities of revolution and social change in Latin America.


In the wake of the US invasion of Nicaragua in 1912, the country came under the rule of the Somoza family, which imposed a brutal and corrupt military dictatorship. A low-scale insurgency of students, supported by peasants and other anti-Somoza el...

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