High School Talksheets on the New Testament, Epic Bible Stories: 52 Ready-To-Use Discussions by David Lynn

High School Talksheets on the New Testament, Epic Bible Stories: 52 Ready-To-Use Discussions


David Lynn

116 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction religion medium-paced
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High School Talksheets on the New Testament, Epic Bible Stories: 52 Ready-To-Use Discussions by David Lynn is a perfect fit for youth group leaders, teachers, and parents of high school students who want to spark meaningful and engaging discussions about the New Testament, igniting a deeper understanding and connection with the epic stories of the Bible.


"The teenagers in your youth group love to talk about epic things--whether it's the latest blockbuster movie or a new song from their favorite band. Now you can get them talking about the epic stories found in the New Testament. The best-selling T...

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