D&D Classes & Subclasses Reading Inspiration!

hrtlss_grl's profile picture hrtlss_grl Host

4 participants (175 books)


Enjoy some Bardic Inspiration from me, for your reading consideration. Or rather, enjoy this challenge, which is meant to be nothing but fun. After finishing my latest reading challenge and watching way too much, (or more probably not enough) Critical Role I was inspired to create a little challenge for my reading, to keep my TBR interesting. Interpret the classes any which way you'd like, and knock these off whenever, TBRs have no time limits, and neither does fun!

As a side note I am including as many subclasses as I can think of as bonus challenges, so feel free to fill in as many as you'd like, and ignore the others. I've decided to include some of the Unearthed Arcana content, and some created by Critical Role, again just ignore it if you don't want to use it. I tried to avoid as many doubles as I could, so don't get too upset if your favourite is not listed. There are a ton of classes here for you to enjoy, TBRs are always growing!

Challenge Prompts
