Newstead Library Reading Challenge

85 participants (756 books)

06 Feb 202314 Jul 2023


Join the Newstead Library reading challenge this year! We're challenging you to read 20 books before the end of the school year - do you think you can do it?

There are only a few rules to the challenge:

1) You must join the challenge in February. A guide will be sent around to show you how to do this.

2) You must log each book you read before the end of the challenge on 14th July 2023. You can start whenever you want between February and July, but make sure every book you have read before the challenge end date is logged.

3) Manga or graphic novels will not be allowed to be counted as entries for this challenge. Although manga and graphic novels are indeed books, to keep the challenge on a fair playing field for everyone we will not count these books towards the challenge, so please do not add them!

4) Each book you enter for the challenge must be a minimum of 100 pages in length.

There are THREE prizes to be won:
1st place: A £10 National Book Token
2nd place: A £5 National Book Token
3rd place: A new book from our library surplus

Challenge Prompts
