Sapphic Book Bingo 2023 - Book Unicorn

bon Host

19 participants (72 books)

11 Jan 202331 Dec 2023


The Book Unicorn bingo card (

The Book Unicorn represents harder-to-find themes and categories. So if you’d like to challenge yourself, you can try to complete the Book Unicorn bingo card.

I’ll post a recommended-reads list for one category of the Book Unicorn card once a month, starting with “ice queen who’s younger than her love interest” on January 12.

As you can see below, the Book Unicorn card isn’t a 5×5 grid. The squares form a U for Unicorn.

You can download a PDF of the Book Unicorn bingo card here. You can either type in the PDF or print it out and fill it in by hand.

Some suggestions here:

Challenge Prompts
