Monthly Bookish in Translation by @translatedgems

32 participants (113 books)

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


 Hullo peeps, 

I started hosting themed monthly bookish projects over two years ago with my lovely friend Carla @mystormingbooks 

Starting January, I will be hosting the monthly bookish projects again on Instagram, all the books have to be translated ^^

January - #latinamericanjanuary
Translated books by Latin American authors 

February - #shortstoryfebruary 
Translated short story collections or novellas

March - #marchinafrica
Translated books by authors from the African continent

April - #arabiclitapril 
Books translated from Arabic

May - #swanalitmay 
Translated books by authors from the SWANA region

June - #comicsinjune
Translated Graphic novels, webtoons, picture books
July - #sffjuly
Fantasy and/or science fiction in translation 
August - #feministlitaugust
Feminist literature books in translation 
September - #readyourshelvesseptember
Read your shelves (translated books only)
October - #gothicoctober 
Horror, gothic or spooky books in translation 
November - #nordicnovember
Translated books from a Nordic country
December - #folkloredecember 
Myths, legends, folktales, fables in translation 

Challenge Prompts
