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10000 Pages - speed
Hosted by markwillnevercry
Trying to finish my reading goal, heavily inspired by "15000 Pages Challenge - 2023 Edition" by rowynnreads.(no cheerleading, sorry, this is just a grind)
10 prompts | 5 participants | 7 books added
The 50 Best Contemporary Novels Under 200 Pages
Hosted by isbl1_
By Emily Temple
50 books | 25 participants
Tame The TBR
Hosted by treofpaperbacks
A challenge to read the books I currently own (physical and ebook)
25 books | 5 participants
6 Books Recommended to You
Hosted by the_indigo_warrior
Any books recommended to you by a friend, family, librarian, etc.
6 books | 5 participants
Readings Best Australian Books of the 21st Century
Hosted by alicesayshi
From Readings’ website: “The literary world has been buzzing with conversations about The New York Times’ recently announced 100 Best Books of the 21st Century. As fierce advocates for Australian literature we were disappointed not to see any o...
30 books | 5 participants