A review by adamz24
Point Omega by Don DeLillo


Dense, philosophical, and satirical in its dealings with art, war, and the possible endpoints of human endeavour, Point Omega is DeLillo in distilled form. Socially conscious and intelligent in its approach, Point Omega is neither a dull academic affair or a traditional novel, instead emerging as ultimately a subtly experimental piece that offers hints of truths buried in its shimmering prose. 24 Hour Psycho as framing device works well, emphasizing the novel's preoccupation with time. This book is short enough to be read in a couple of hours, but really needs to be read at a slow pace, not really so you can give it concentrated attention, but so you can appreciate its dimensions, "be alive to what is happening in the smallest register."

Though well-liked enough already, I suspect this will grow in critical esteem and end up being one of DeLillo's best-regarded works in the future. It's nowhere near as slight as it might seem.