A review by zackargyle
A Dark Inheritance by Todd Herzman



A Dark Inheritance is a solid opening to a wonderful new Coming of Age series.

The story follows three siblings (19/15/12) as they discover their...dark inheritance. The plot moves quickly, the writing is void of flowery prose, and the characters are well-executed. While the majority of the story is firmly within the YA Fantasy genre (especially given the age of the POV characters), that does not stop the plot from delving into the dark recesses of Herzman's mind (see Vampirism).

The first 3/4 of the story were solid, but the ending was incredibly well-crafted. The climax is not just the climax for the plot itself, but it is the climax for the character development of each of the three main characters, and concludes the story in a brilliant hurrah. Everything wraps up so well that this could easily be a stand-alone novel.

This is perfect for fans of epic, YA fantasy with a glimmer of darkness.