A review by theravenkingx
The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom


there is a reason God limits our days.
- Why?
- to make each one precious.

A very simple and short book with a power to make you cry. It read like a middlegrade book with all those fantastical elements and references to fables. For some reason, it reminded me of "The Little Prince. " it's a nicely written book with a very important and profound message of  respecting the limited time we have on this earth.

The story revolves around three people. Dor, Sarah and Victor. Dor is the catalyst of all the chaos in the book. He creates the tools to measure time which in turn leads to an epidemic of obsession with time. As a punishment he is forced by the God to spend six thousand years in a cave, alone, listening to the voices of people from Earth begging and praying for more time. After he has served his time and learned his lesson, he is sent to Earth to help two people: one who needs too much time and one who needs too little.

Once we began to chime the hour we lose the ability to be satisfied.

Sarah Lemon after being dumbed by the guy she liked want nothing more than to disappear from the face of the world while Victor Delemonte, a rich businessman, who is dying of Cancer after living a nice and decent life, want nothing more than to extend his time on earth. These two, consumed by their obsession, have completely forgotten to LIVE and appreciate life and its little blessings, that they have in abundance. Dor is tasked to save these two from themselves.

I think we all need to pause and think about what we are doing with our alloted time. We need to ask ourselves if we will be able to say that we spent our time the right way when the angel of death visits us? Are we losing too much of ourselves in our day to day life? Is our obsession with time and our effort to squeeze more and more and do more and more in limited time making us miserable and hollow from inside?  These are the question that we should ask ourselves more often.

It's an important and thought provoking book that will make you question yourself and maybe even change for good.