A review by kaycee_k
Unsanctioned Eyes by Brianna Merritt


First, I have to say that I don't read a whole bunch of thrillers, suspense books but Brianna, the author of Unsanctioned Eyes - the first book in The Dragonfly series- has pushed that door a little more open for me. This story is a fast but still balanced plot. These pages are filled with action, few twists and a dash of romance.

Brianna character fills her world up with sparks. Witty and danger dance between the pages of this book. Quinn is filled with mixed emotions but when it comes down to it she knows what she has to do. She's a tea drinking, butt-kicking woman, and I love that! These a line in this ARC that goes, “No matter how wicked I am, my one true weakness is a good cup of tea.” I hope it made the final cut because in a weird way it sums up the book well.

I don't want to talk too much about the characters so I don't give away anything, but Brianna know her characters and that makes them feel so real, they aren't perfect, they have push and pull relationship, trouble, and drama, likes and dislikes. They feel like everyday people, other than the fact that some of these characters are assassins.

I don't want to give anything because this is an amazing read!

I have to give a little note about the writing style of this book because it flows, paints the world brightly and that's the best skill an author can have. I am even more of a fan of Brianna's after reading this, and I can't wait to see where she goes and to read the next book in her series!