A review by curiousmadra
나 혼자만 레벨업 1 by Chugong


Honestly lads.....it was such an amazing long ass rollercoaster at finishing this brilliant manhwas first season at 110 chapters all day yesterday(realistically 1-4am and 2-4pm to be more precise). I can't tell you how rare it is to find a likeable manhwa out there to read.

Even though this manhwa is like any other superhero story (one punch man, SAO, Tiger & Bunny, Overlord) but I can't think of any badass MC who becomes strong to beat the crap out of monsters other than our boi here Jin -Woo! Seriously, his transitioning journey from when he was just starting out as a not fit guy to the biggest badass that you don't wanna mess with was just incredible. Some people thought he was retarded just because he kept getting hurt while joining battles with other guild's. I totally disagree like we all start at the beginning with things and they don't always go to plan. Well with the reincarnation side of things, it kinda made him cheat to becoming more motivated into being a stronger MC. That didn't put me off reading it through! Although I will advice that it is quite a long season one that I've ever read in a manhwa so if you're too overwhelmed by the action or large amount of shock value you get from the manhwa, don't read it

Listen folks I gotta tell ya, the action , the art, the colours , the characters and everything about this series were all such a great mix to make this an addicting read for me. You gotta check this manga series out for god sake!!!!!!!