A review by illstoptheworldandreadwithyou
Truth Or Wolf by Anne Marsh


The Winston Brothers series meets paranormal romance in this new Wolf Brothers series from Smartypants Romance.

Green Valley becomes Moonlight Valley. The Winstons become the Boones, and they're now a family of werewolves. (Shh...it's a secret. Only wolves are supposed to know about other wolves.) As it turns out, though, wolves may not be the only shifters in town....

Truth or Wolf is a retelling of Penny Reid's Truth or Beard, so if you're a big fan of Jess and Duane's story (+shifters!), this one may be a good fit for you. It has many of the beats from the original with just enough changes to make it different.

I'm such a big fan of Truth or Beard that I kept looking for those similarities, though, and it's hard for a retelling to live up to the original. 

While this is a fun book, it wasn't an out-of-the-park hit for me.


I received an advance copy from Smartypants Romance. All review opinions are my own.