A review by nixwolfwood
King Cave by Scarlett Dawn


I was given an ARC of this book to review in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I would like to say that I eagerly awaited this book since I finished King Hall. Like the first book, it is horrible to have to wait so long before I can talk to anyone else about the book. I want to fangirl, and rant, and whatnot with other people who have read it!

That being said, I really did enjoy this book. It started out right at the ending of book 1, so you didn't feel like you missed out on anything. Straight back into the story. That was awesome.

There were a lot of Ezra and Lily scenes in this book, and while that isn't a problem in itself - seeing as my favorite character is Pearl, there was a bit of disappointment on my part. It didn't take from the story though, she just wasn't as big of a player in this book as she was in the last.

A few times in the book something started happening and I found myself confused for a little while, but it was eventually explained. It was during those few pages of feeling lost that I found myself taken out of the story because I was worried I missed something.

I will say this, I honestly did not expect the high level of sex in the book. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't usually my cup of tea. They fit well into the story, so there were no complaints about them. I just wasn't expecting them.

More than once, I found myself raising my eyebrow at something that happened in the book. It made sense with the story, but I feel it could have been explained better to have made it easier to comprehend.

All and all, another great read from Scarlett Dawn. Highly recommend this series!

