A review by jenbsbooks
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer


I've had this on my list for a while. I'd read the first chapter (part of an assignment for my son's LanguageArts class a few years ago).. We had the physical book in our home shelves, and the audio/kindle are pretty easily available at the library. I have it in epub, and I'd watched the movie "Everest" ... Then, Hubs bought it in Audible ... I figured if Hubs was going to read it, I'd shift it up my "to read" pile for possible discussion.  I've finished, he's yet to begin ;)  Yes, I have more time, and I dedicate much of my time to books. I went with the audio version (library copy, as I didn't want to mess up Hubs if he did start listening) and got the Kindle copy, pulled out the physical book. It's always interesting for me to compare formats, see if there's differences. There are ...

Some basic thoughts - there's a bit of controversy surrounding the book ... especially comparing it to "The Climb" by Anatoli Boukreev (I have yet to read it, might be a bit of Everest overload to try and get to it quickly. I've read a surprising number of "summit" books for not really having a personal interest in the subject). One difference in the audio vs kindle/print is an updated author's note (specifically addressing the conflict, etc) which I thought was very informational.  This book IS noted as "A PERSONAL Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster" and I think Krakauer goes above and beyond to address his own mistakes, where errors occurred (during the event, in his recollection and writing), that brain activity was muddled due to lack of oxygen (thus any and all accounts may be somewhat questioned). I've only peeked at some reviews of The Climb but I can't understand why some people choose to simply believe one account over the other (do they prefer one author/individual to another?). Krakauer IS a journalist, and has notes and fact-checkers ... something that seems to be lacking in The Climb (but I must reserve judgement as I haven't read it or investigated anything myself). 

I will say, Krakauer's writing is a bit verbose ... I was listening to the audio edition, so without the Kindle copy right there in front of me to stop and highlight words, I wasn't able to note everything, but I found myself wondering at the use of some words. Nothing really unheard of, just not everyday words. A few I might notice but not make mention of, but when there are so many ... a few I did quickly note paucity, obdurate, deleterious, detritus (personally I love this one and use it and it's in quite a few books, but I don't think I've ever heard someone say it IRL), fecundity, penumbra, hectored (I had to look it up, not having heard it before ... and wouldn't you know I heard it again in another book right after this one!), aesthete, cognoscenti, parvenus, nadir ... I just felt like perhaps it would be better to be reading, having the kindle dictionary right there to look up the meanings on words I wasn't quite sure of. Other more common words I happen to note: hoopla, seldom,  roil, scowl ...

Every chapter started with a quote (from various sources). It confused me a bit in audio (I started to try and pay particular attention to when a new chapter was announced, knowing that the next bit wasn't going to be authored by Krakauer, but someone else). In audio, I really wish they would credit the author BEFORE, I think when reading with your eyes, and you see a quote, you tend to do a quick "credit check" before reading the quote so you know who the words are coming from. At least I do.   The audio had an interesting intro - it gave the number of pages (just under 300, whereas my print copies are more, the audio being the earlier edition without the new author's notes) and told the listener that there were 21 chapters (there's also an introduction and epilogue, which are included in audio, necessarily so, absolutely part of the story). As mentioned, the author's updates weren't added until after, so they aren't in audio, but should be sought out by anyone listening to the audio. 

The Kindle copy had the most complete Table of Contents - very helpful to include the location/date with the chronological chapters. I like to be able to see at a glance that Chapter 1 is Everest Summit, May 10, 1996 29028 feet, and that Chapter 2 is Dehra Dun, India: 1852 - 2234 feet (so some history and background). Then the chapters are chronological, with Chapter 3 starting March 29. We hit May 10 by Chapter 13, and several chapters encompass that day, with extra information (the time) given.  These details are given at the beginning of the chapters, but I appreciate a TOC, and being able to grasp the setup in a glance. The audio only have the basic chapters listed, and the physical copy ... doesn't have a TOC at all. REALLY??? I just cannot comprehend books not having a TOC, just that most basic reference of what pages different chapters start on, rather than having to flip manually through the book. 

Another different in the formats, were the "notes" ... Krakauer stops and explains some things in a little more detail. In print, there is an * in the text, and then the footnote there at the bottom of that page. In audio, the note was stated "in" the text (a stop/pause, note, back to text ... the narrator was good and it was clear to me). In the Kindle copy, there are different * images and the corresponding notes are included at the end of the chapter. I think for me, I appreciated the audio presentation the most - the pause, note, then back to the text ... made me wonder if most notes shouldn't just be included IN the text (in parenthesis or whatnot) ... I'm sure it's some editorial decision. 

I've been a fiction gal for a long time, but have been trying to work non-fiction into my reads more and more. Sometimes they still read like fiction, other times they feel more like a lecture/school study. Here, I definitely felt like I probably SHOULD be taking notes, making sure I knew names (the print/kindle editions had a list of "Dramatis Personae" ... can't really call them "characters" as they are real people). I'm not sure I really will remember ALL of the names/dates and such, but the main points will stick in my mind. I thought the author did a good job. I've read a couple other Krakauer books, I think this one (of which he experienced personally) will be the one I remember most. 

Content: There was some proFanity (15x) and mention of people having sex (and how that was frowned upon by some/nothing at all explicit). Death and extreme situations.