A review by bethreadsandnaps
Congratulations, The Best Is Over! by R. Eric Thomas


4.25 stars

Most of these essays have a feistiness to them. R. Eric Thomas turns the mundane into thoughtful and humorous. When his husband gets a job as a pastor near Baltimore, where the author was raised and not wanting to return to, a rush of emotions occur. The author recounts the 20 year high school reunion where he gets another Eric's (a white Eric's) badge. I particularly enjoyed several of the essays when they buy a house in a rural area during the pandemic and how they battle the gay frogs, are nervous about what their reception will be from their neighbors with the Trump sign, and delve into landscaping. 

I didn't give this a higher rating because some of the essays felt too forced -- forced self-deprecating, forced mining for the humor (like the ER visit) - to me.