A review by eniiee
The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong


actual rating 3.7

For a YA book, this is great. I'm actually glad I reread it. I almost forgot that Derek was my favourite character in this. I can't believe I was rooting for Chloe and Simon to get together.
Anyways why is Simon written as a boring person? I wish he got some more character development or some type of growth physically, personality-wise or power-wise.
There were some plot holes and questions that I just couldn't overlook
1. WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH THE NECKLACE? At first, I thought it was getting drained of its protecting powers every time Chloe used her powers and grew stronger. But again is it linked to her power? does it change colours the stronger she grows? It just irked me that every time someone wanted to explain or pointed it out, there would be an interruption
2. HER MOM. She pops up for 2 seconds and I'm expecting an explanation of sorts but she disappears never to be seen again HELLO?
3. Also when Chloe's body got taken over by that doctor, I was expecting it to happen again, I thought he would become one of the antagonists and she would have to defeat him, but again nothing happens
4. When is Liz going to cross over?
5. Why and how are Tori and Simon, siblings? respectfully that could have been left in the drafts. but maybe it's for her to get some character development through a proper parent-child relationship.

How is it possible that I ended this series with more questions than answers