A review by jbolwerk8
The Lion & the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney


In this wordless picture book, a mouse is escaping the clutches of an owl and lands on a lion, disrupting him. The lion decides to let the mouse go, and he runs back to his family safely. Later on, some poachers set a trap that the lion gets caught in, and the mouse hears his roar. The mouse runs over and chews the rope to help the lion escape, and they both go back to their families with a mutual understanding and acceptance of the other.

I had “read” this story a long time ago and didn’t particularly get it because of the lack of words. However, this time around, I took my time looking at the images and it was a lot easier for me to play the story out in my head. I like that the occasional onomatopoeias are included to give some structure, for those unfamiliar with wordless picture books. I think the morals of the story are easy enough to see, yet they could make for a good conversation for children to try to determine. I also really like the author’s note at the end and the background thoughts the author provides.