A review by opalmars
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon


4,5 * // No spoilers! :D

I liked this book much more than I thought I would.

I don’t usually pick up contemporaries because I’m really picky and a lot of the ones I’ve read are super cringy and cliché, so I usually end up not enjoying them. Which is a shame, because I love romance. One of my favourite things when reading is shipping characters. I love the cutesy scenes between characters, and the yearning, and when they finally get together!!!!!! I just love it all!

So it really is a shame I rarely like romance books.

But I was really in the mood to read one, so I picked this one up. I had low expectations. I just wanted something to distract me. Something I could read in 1 day and never think about again. But I ended up enjoying this book much more than I thought I would!

1. The Characters + Romance
The main characters were both super interesting. I loved learning more about them, and their dynamic was everything! I was scared their relationship would feel forced and cliché, but it actually felt super realistic, the way they were rivals but turns out that obsession wasn’t just hatred hahaha.
Also, the way they apologized for the mean things they’d said and done throughout the years? 10/10

2. The Plot
This one was VERY unexpected. Tbh, I didn’t even know what the book was about lmfao. It literally says in the synopsis, and I read that synopsis!!!! Was I asleep???? The fuck??? Anyways. I liked the plot much more than I thought I would. I usually like contemporaries for the romance (and I really loved it in this one, don’t get me wrong!) but I also absolutely loved the story itself! The scavenger hunt thing they play seems so much fun, omg??? Like???? I want to play this game! I loved the clues, and how they had to go look all around the city, and the whole “you can «kill» the person who’s name you have, and you never know who has your name and is after you!” thing was such a fun addition!

3. Other random stuff I guess
The way the author described the feeling of regret, and the expectations that real life will be like what you dream was so………. real? Idk man. Just…. Read these:

“But sometimes I get this strange feeling, an ache not for something I miss, but for something I’ve never had.”

“The feeling is similar to the nostalgia I’ve felt all day, except this is a nostalgia for something that never actually happened. There has to be a word for that specific brand of wistfulness. Regret. Maybe that’s what it is.”

Was I the only one who felt that on a spiritual level? Am I the only one having a quarter life crisis? Is no one else feeling really called out? Okay……

On another note. I wish we’d gotten an epilogue or something, but maybe that’s just me. I do love a happy ending and everything to be neatly tied up in a pretty bow haha.

Long story short: I didn’t think I’d be giving this book 5 stars, and sure, it isn’t necessarily my favourite book of all time, but fuck it. I really liked it and it was super cute and fun to read.