A review by alina_hookedon_books
Night Film by Marisha Pessl


4.5 Stars
Wow, this was a rollercoaster I had no idea I paid to ride on. Mentally I'm exhausted, emotionally I'm drained. This book may be one of those books that you experience and think about well after. I was completely enchanted by the cult horror film aspect of this story and of course the mystery behind the man behind the camera. There were parts that seemed to drag on a bit and parts where it was becoming hard to keep track of all the information and characters being given to us as readers (as to why it is only 4.5 starts), but I thoroughly enjoyed the twist and turns we experienced alongside Scott McGrath. I feel Marisha writing of each moment and emotion Scott felt reflect fantastically to how I as a reader felt alongside him. Super happy I finally came around to reading Night Film and I can definitely see this book, or just elements of this book, playing well on screen.