A review by verymom
Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend


This review is going to be terrible because my life is terrible right now. I lost my husband of 20+ years while in the middle of listening to this audiobook. My grief is coloring everything and making it nearly impossible to concentrate. I didn't think I'd ever be able to finish the book and wondered when I'd ever be able to read or write again. That was over-dramatic on my part, because I did finish listening, but it was in choppy little bursts punctuated by sobbing fits.

I will need to listen to it again when I am in a better place (will I ever be? I don't know at this point). Talking about and rating books feels so meaningless and empty... like everything else right now. So much in my life has been drained of color, but this book is a wonderful installment and I still cherish the world Jessica Townsend has built. I hope this series will continue to become what Harry Potter was for me during other difficult times in my life--something to wrap up in and escape into. Something outside of reality that will form a little anchor for me to hold onto. That's also overly dramatic, I realize, but here we are.

It's a damn good series. I highly recommend it.