A review by gardenofadonis
The Trial and Death of Socrates (Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo) by Plato

dark emotional reflective fast-paced


when i read this at first, i was about 13yo and obviously didn't understand what the hell was going on but listening to it again, on the commute to uni, made me regret not doing it earlier... there's something so bittersweet about the ending, where a character as righteous and full of knowledge as Socrates, doesn't break down on the face of death and stands for what he believes in. a big part of me not understanding this book when i was younger stemmed from the confusion that his rhetoric has at a first glance, and being somewhat familiar with it now from The Republic helped with that. all in all, while Socrates can be criticized by his lack of "passion" when it comes to speach, the terms in which he exposes his flux of arguments is so natural and concrete that it's hardly easy to deconstruct and find flaws in. i really like this piece, and listening to it in audiobook format for sure helped me feel it in a stronger way. ill have to get into the other Platian scripts tho.