A review by firstimpressionsreviews
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris


What was I thinking? I read The Silence of the Lambs in a wooded, secluded area. It was like taking a shower after watching Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Creepy.

Clarice Starling, FBI agent in training is sent to the Baltimore mental institution to interview Hannibal Lecter, a former psychiatrist who was locked up for have acquired a taste for human flesh. At present, another case is pending involving young women who's bodies are found among riverbanks with their skins slash away. The serial killer has been dubbed "Buffalo Bill" due to an off color joke by a Kansas City detective. In time, Dr. Lecter helps Clarice with this killer but only giving his assistance as a cat plays with its food. The manhunt for Buffalo Bill increases after the Governor of Tennessee's daughter, Cathrine Martin is abducted presumably by the killer at large. It now becomes a race against the clock to save Cathrine before she becomes his next victim.

Even though The Silence of the Lambs has a disturbing subject and was based on mass murderer Ted Bundy as long as I could tell myself that Hannibal Lecter was a work of fiction I was able to sleep at night. Even so, this cat and mouse suspense novel kept me riveted with hours passing by without my eyes escaping from the page. Irresistible.