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A review by isabellesbooks
The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm All-New Third Edition by


For the longest time, this old, beat up copy of Grimm’s fairytales was just sitting around and my dad finally decided to get rid of it. I intercepted him in horror and said that I would keep it instead. I was like 12 years old and didn’t really know anything about it, but I would not stand for what was obviously such a special book to be trashed so disrespectfully. 
I still remember how attached I was to that thing. I read it on the stairs, under the covers, and my most prominent memory is reading it laying on the floor of my living room while my entire family was visiting for Christmas Eve. I could not go to my room, but I could bring my book with me. 
I read every single demented story and I loved it. I think my mom didn’t really know what I was reading and might have been slightly horrified to find out, but that’s besides the point: I was enchanted. That battered copy still sits on my bookshelf to this day and I will never get rid of it.