A review by harrietj
On A Sunbeam by Tillie Walden


I really truly didn't think I liked Tillie Walden but this was beautiful. The world was so well built and so real. As a sci fi universe it was so creative. It did feel a little small - everyone knew each other and there wasn't much of a sense of scale - but the universe felt fresh and yet so well established.

I did find myself confused between the characters throughout. They just don't look different enough and there are too many of them. I cannot imagine reading this in anything but a single sitting and not getting confused.

Love that it was a female-only universe, although that did make the non-binary element of one if the characters feel a little redundant. In a single sex universe would it even be a thing?

Emotionally this did feel a little immature, but I think Tillie Walden was probably very young when she made it so that makes sense.

Overall this was so good. Not just infinitely better than expected but actually just really really good.