A review by lorilaws
Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer


I loved Nightshade, which is a little funny because I honestly didn't think I would. It sounded like a story that had been told 100 times, but really is was something completely original and captivating. It was filled with this incredible history and back story. It also amazingly well done tension. Sexual tension. Nightshade has a love triangle at its best. There wasn't a completely clear choice. You couldn't help but like both guys. Nightshade in a word was fantastic.

Now with all of that being said I have to say that Wolfsbane fell a little flat for me. Maybe my expectations were too high after Cremer's wonderful debut. Maybe it was just my mood. It could be any number of things, but I definitely didn't like this one as much as the first. Don't get me wrong, I did like it. I was just expecting a 5 star book...I gave it 3.

Wolfsbane picks up right where Nightshade left off. Calla is in a completely different world than the one she has always known, and I think this is what caused the most problems for me. There is a lot of information to get across to the reader. A lot. To me it seemed like that kind of bogged down the plot. Where Nightshade was action packed, nothing much really happens in this one.

All the things I really loved about the first book were...gone. The mythology, the tension between Calla, Shay and Ren. The romance was still there, but it wasn't as strong or as big of a plot element as it was in Nightshade. There were also some new characters introduced that I didn't care for. There constant bickering and jokes made things move slower than I wanted them to.

This is starting to sound very negative and I honestly don't want it to. I sincerely liked the book, just not as much as I wanted to. I didn't lose interest at all, even when I felt things were moving slow. I still cared about what happened to Calla and her pack. I think this was a stepping stone book. Wolfsbane is setting up the last book. Which I hope will be as awesome as the first.