A review by bandherbooks
Your Wicked Heart by Meredith Duran


i hadn't realized this was a novella, and it was honestly just so much fun and a perfect read to get me through the holidays. also, combined with the fact i had just watched Glass Onion, the Greek Island setting at the start was a lovely treat.

Amanda Thomas was jilted by a "viscount" and is left trying to get on any ship to take her back to England after also escaping her emotionally and physically abusive employer, Mrs. Pennypacker (i hope she gets cholera). alas Amanda soon finds out her viscount was not in fact any sort of viscount, nor hers, and is stuck with her ex-fiancee's family member in one-bed, in one ship cabin, on one boat.

Ah, the real viscount is my favorite; super handsome, full of starch and smolder, and also so sure he's going to be just fine but is also SO bamboozled by the beauty and grit of this former lady's companion he's just beside himself when she tells him to stuff it, even after his great lovemaking (when she finds out he sort of misled her about her ex). Great stuff, I EAT IT UP.

This would be a great entry to duran, as it is a bit less angsty (on the duran scale) and is so much fun. jolly good time.