A review by lauraspages
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


Clockwork Prince is much better than the first instalment. As with Clockwork Angel there are some surprises as well as a few parts that were predictable, but I didn't mind. The story is excellent. Whereas I really didn't like Will Herondale in Clockwork Angel, he is completely redeemed in this book. His reasons for being a complete ass are tragic and they really serve to enrich the character. It was almost enough to have me rooting for him in the Will/Jem/Tessa romantic tug of war. Almost.

I love everything about Jem aside from the fact that he's on death's door. The scene between him and Tessa before she accidentally spills the yin-fen was romantic and sexy in a very Victorian way. Jem is my favourite shadowhunter in all the books I've read so far. It makes me want to go back and read The Mortal Instruments to pay more attention to when Jem crops up.

Jessamine's story is odd. When
Spoilershe was slipping out at night dressed as a man I thought it would turn out to be because she was secretly shadowhunting, and that her character arc would end satisfyingly with her coming to terms with her identity. I did not see her betrayal coming at all. Even when it was well-established I kept looking for ways it could be a mistake or that she had been magically manipulated.
It's quite refreshing in a way! She doesn't have layers - she really is as she appears.

I feel like Henry will aggravate me less in the next book because of the way this one ended for him and Charlotte. It seemed a bit silly that they've never had a frank conversation about their relationship because... why? It would be impolite, or something?

EVERYTHING concerning Magnus is brilliant. I LOVE the fact that Camille's hints to Alec Lightwood about Magnus and Will was based on a lie - just brilliant. These immortal characters really make Cassandra Clare's world so rich. Conversations Magnus has in the late 1800s have an impact on the kids in The Mortal Instruments over 100 years later and I think that's so cleverly done.

The only complaint I have is that Mortmain is a terrible villain and they don't appear to be in much danger from him, considering he only ever sends his Infernal Devices after them in small numbers, whilst he presumably sits in a wing-backed chair twiddling his moustache.

Overall I am LOVING this. It's hurting my heart, but I'm loving it.