A review by kailey_luminouslibro
Cymbeline: The Oxford Shakespeare by William Shakespeare


I think this may be one of my new Shakespeare favorites! I like that the plot moves along quickly and without any tom-foolery fluff. My favorite characters are Innogen's stolen brothers- so dashing and noble. Innogen herself is delightful! She's spunky and I like it when she gets mad!

Giacomo creeps me out. He really is gross. There's more sexual innuendo in this play than some others, and most of it comes from the villain Giacomo.

I like how Shakespeare pulls us back and forth with Posthumous Leonatus. We love him, then we hate him (because he wants to murder Innogen), then we love him again b/c he's all full of remorse and tries to commit suicide on the battlefield. Shakespeare does an excellent job of rebuilding the hero image in the end.

The scene with the ghosts and Jupiter seems a bit out of place, although the characters do refer to Jupiter and pray to him throughout the play.

Favorite Quote:
"I do note that grief and patience, rooted in her both, mingle their spurs together. Grow, patience, and let the stinking elder, grief, untwine his perishing root with the increasing vine."