A review by theravenkingx
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


4.75 stars

Plot = 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Characters = 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Writing = 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Conclusion of the series = 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Depending on where you begin the story, it was about a guy for whom love and hate stopped being parallel and began to overlap each other.

The problem with him was that the harder he tried to connect the dots, the more tangled his thoughts became. Sometimes he got caught in a loop of constantly understanding that he had been mind fucked by maggie Stievater, and rage made him to smash things, pull his hair and hit his head on the wall. He couldn't decide if he loved this book or hated it. Maybe he did both. Maybe like time feelings are circular too lol

Seriously, tho, the conclusion made no sense. The more i think about it, the lesser sense it makes. Let me try to explain what happened but first let me get a few things out of the way.

I absolutely loved Noah Czerny. Does that make me a Necrophiliac ? I mean, I don't know! I just love him. He's one of my most favorite fictional character ever. He made such a big impression with so little scenes. I wanted more of him. Lack of Noah was another problem I had with this book. 

This wasn't the best book in the series but it was definitely the most gripping one. Maggie's writing was so poetic, vivid and flowery. I really loved all the characters and weirdness that this book had to offer. Maggie Steifvater is a genius, cruel but genius. This is now one of my favorite series of all time, and i cant wait for the dreamers trilogy to come out. 😍


Okay so let me share my interpretation of this book. When Noah died his sprit experienced all the time all at once. He knew what was going to happen in the future and he knew that he needed to wait for the right time to cross-over. He knew cabeswater had tied his spirit with Gansey, and it was the only thing that was keeping him alive. He just didn't remember it always.

It was easy to know everything when time was circular, but it was hard to remember how to use it.

He couldn’t remember the first time that he’d made this choice. It was hard, now, to remember what was remembering and what was actually repeating.

He had been trying to move on but his spirit was trapped. When Gansey died again their bond was severed and he was able to finally move on.

Why Gansey and not Noah ?

Cabeswater had chosen Gansey over Noah because it knew Noah won't be able to sacrifice himself to save Ronan and to kill the demon. Noah in chapter 35 said that if Welk had asked him to sacrifice himself, he wouldn't have done it.  He wasn't brave enough.

Wondering if he would have been that brave in the forest if Whelk had asked him to die instead of forcing him to. He didn’t think he would have

Cabeswater existed out of normal time so it could see multiple possiblities played out at once. It knew Gansey was the one between the two who would be able to kill the demon so it saved him.


If cabeswater and Noah knew that Glendower was dead then why did his name was whispered when Gansey first died ?  Well, my theory is that cabeswater wanted to stop the trade of magical artefacts. Nial Lynch was stealing from cabeswater and selling dream objects in the real world. He got so consumed with greed that he decided to create Graywaren. in order to accomplish that he married a woman created by his dream, who later gave birth to Ronan - half human, half dream. Cabeswater couldn't stand  the mess he was making so it orchestrated the events that took place in the book. Cabeswater knew that Gansey's obsession will end the trade so it did what it was supposed to do.

I wish all of these was a bit clear, though.

Anyway, lets talk about henry. I liked his personality but i didn't understand his purpose in the book. He was just there to replace the piece of my heart Noah. I hated him so much. I felt so furious and jealous. I wanted Noah to recieve a proper goodbye but nobody acknowledged his sacrifice, nobody seemed to care that their friend had finally moved on. It was so heartbreaking. I felt so bad for Noah.

Artemus was another useless character, but I loved how maggie wrote the dynamics between blue and her father.

Nothing in this book was cheesy. not even the villains. Everything about this book was so refreshingly unique.

Adam and Ronan took my breath away when they both kissed. It was probably the best scene in the entire series. I also liked the romance between Gansey and Blue. It was very real.

sadly we didnt get to know what happend to Maura, Grayman and others. Ending left me wanting for more. I want moreeeeee. Errr! Maggie you cruel thing. 😒