A review by ravensandlace
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith



Title: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Author: Seth Grahame-Smith
Genre: Paranormal Historical Fiction
Format: paperback
Series: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (#1)
Star Rating: 5 stars

Please note that this is a review from 2016. At that time, I did not keep track of trigger warnings so apologies. Young Lacy did not know what she was doing back then. 

So I picked this book up because in 2012, or somewhere around there. I watched the movie of this book and that’s how I came to discover that it was based on a book. The movie was pretty decent, as far as I remember, which again, is not a lot. So I thought I would try the book a few years later.

I wasn't disappointed. This book follows the life of Abraham Lincoln with the help of a diary that the author “found”. Lincoln, at a young age, witnesses his mother getting killed by a vampire. Therefore, he devotes his life to killing vampires, hence the name "vampire hunter". I do need to note that this book is not real. I mention this in the next paragraph but I just wanted to stress that. 

Some parts of this book were true. Lincoln did fail several times at becoming a senator. He did have a failing business. He also had a mental breakdown. Those are all facts. It interweaves very well with the rest of the book. Vampires aren't real but the way the author wrote this book, it was almost like it could be. There were even several pictures dispersed throughout the book that "prove" that vampires are real. I appreciated the touch of realism offered in this book. I was almost convinced that vampires were real and I started doubting myself a bit. 

The book was an easy read. Even the parts where it was from Lincoln's diary were easy to read. I didn't get lost or confused by the big words they used back then. Most of the book was written in such a way that I almost believed it. I almost believed that vampires were real and that Lincoln hunted them. I had to bring myself back to reality a few times as I mentioned above. 

Some parts of the book were kind of unbelievable though. Like Booth being a vampire. That just seemed a bit far-fetched, even for a book like this. Or that there is a whole union of vampires that want to run the US. I suppose the author probably took ideas from the Illuminati but I don’t know. Seemed a little much for me. Again, it seemed just a bit far-fetched for me.

But overall, I have no real complaints about this book. It is well written. The diary entries did not seem too much. They added to the story very nicely. The pictures did as well. I felt like this book could easily be believed. It's just a really solid book and I’m interested to see what the sequel is about.