A review by maigahannatu
Pray What You See: A Five-Week Prayerwalk Challenge by Chris Paavola


I walk around the neighborhood often, for exercise. I greet people as I go; well, mostly guards sitting outside people's gates (no we don't really live in a gated neighborhood....it's just how houses and yards are set up in this part of Africa and hiring a guard cuts back on thievery and provides an income to somebody who needs a job). While I walk, when I'm not greeting people, my mind is often mulling over my day, thinking about things, decompressing a bit. But how often do I pray as I walk?

This book was a great reminder to pray as I walk. Pray for those guards. Pray for that beggar sitting by the road. Pray for those construction workers at that building site. Pray for that shop keeper. Pray for this nation that is mostly unreached with the gospel.

Mr Paavola shares in simple but inspiring ways how to do a prayer walk and why prayer walking is a good idea. This is a short book, but a lot is packed into these few pages.