A review by readbydusk
Sleepless by Louise Mumford


I love the premise of this book! Thea has not been able to sleep for more than a few hours every night and it's starting to affect her life. She is invited to attend a sleep trial so she can find help to get more sleep. She meets other participants in the trial, all with their own reasons to be there. I find studies on sleep really fascinating, and I liked how the book shows the different ways lack of sleep can affect someone - nightmares, sleep paralysis, insomnia, etc. I liked Thea's sense of humor and the other characters are interesting too. I also liked Thea's relationship with her protective mother.

I expected the story to go down the path of bad company and tech gone wild, and in a way it does. But the plotting is not cohesive and I found myself confused about the characters' motivations. It's hard to understand who the Big Bad is because it's never made clear, nor exactly what their intention is. While it seems that certain people have their eyes on Thea for nefarious purposes, the way she is treated doesn't exactly reflect that. The ending is disappointing. I never understood what the endgame was after all that. While I liked the tinges of horror in the story and how the action moves fast towards the end, I wish I wasn't left with so many questions.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a review copy.

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