A review by anna_hepworth
Advanced Civilizations of Prehistoric America: The Lost Kingdoms of the Adena, Hopewell, Mississippians, and Anasazi by Frank Joseph

Did not finish book.
I got this from the library, expecting to read something that expanded my knowledge of North American Prehistory, with reasonable detail as to what is truly known. What I got was a lot of rambling, extrapolation, cultural projection, and story-telling. Plus, what I saw was a lot of the same style of language that argues for Intelligent Design instead of Evolution. I kinda want to shout 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence' at the author.

When I glanced through to the two appendices that have cherry-picked comparison words between 'Keltic and Plains Indians' and 'Zuni Indian and Japanese', I was greatly disappointed. Comparative linguistics is not my field, but I'm pretty sure it would require a fair sight more rigorous analysis than 'oh, look, I can find 20 words of comparison'.

tl;dr - that's not how you do archaeology.