A review by pandaintheshelves
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No


DNF at 80 % Emotionally disconnected unidimensional characters, lots of misogyny and racism with the excuse of "but it's the 90's", overused tropes of the genre, a draggy plot  and sexual assault only for shock factor. Tries to be satirical, but most of the time seems to condone whatever horrible thing happens, portrays women and female friendships as every movie from the 2000's (c'mon, aren't we over the "women are friends until a handsome guy appears" cliché?), white saviourism. It may be because I come from a looong period of reading horror, thrillers, etc, and there are things I've read soo many times, I just can't stand them anymore. Life's too short 😑