A review by heylancie
Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo


This review features spoilers!!

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ R E V I E W
< P O S I T I V E S > :
○ The book name! The word 'private' hints at the book's main theme unlike other named-after-a/the-main-character book titles, such as 'Hetty Feather' by Jacqueline Wilson.
○ This book is dedicated to British soldiers unlawfully killed by their own series in World War 1, which is incredible! How did I read this twice before now and not know about that?
○ I love Charlie's (name! It's my favourite name of all time! and) his daring, yet loyal personality.
○ I found it really interesting Charlie did not want to enlist because he 'never met a German', so therefore has no motive to fight.
○ I also enjoyed Grandma Wolf's situation with the colonel!

< N E G A T I V E S > :
○ I'd say this book needs a minimum age rating, due to the soliders' trauma, as well as multiple usages of the word b******.
○ I also found some of the language not very layperson-friendly, and the writing sometimes too formal and abstract for me.

< N E U T R A L > :
○ I read a Goodreads review by Danny Gould that said
Spoiler "Not very peaceful, mate, he got bloody shot!"
Spoiler which made me laugh. Does Danny realise the book/surname is inspired by a World War 1 grave? I didn't, until I read the book's Wikipedia, and besides, I had presumed it was named after Thomas, which would still make sense.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ D E T A I L S
○ WRITTEN ON: F170323

○ HOURS TAKEN TO READ: 5 hours, 15 minutes
RATING: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ½
(rounded up to 5 stars because Goodreads does not have a half star option)