A review by seaglanz
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur


Milk and honey should be read in one sitting. Carve out an hour, hour and a half and read it for the first time in as one piece. To me, that was the best way to have experienced it. It deals with really heavy, deep, passionate topics and feelings, and having that rollercoaster of intense highs and lows heightens all of it. From hurt, to love, to pain, and healing, Rupi Kaur gets real as fuck and touches on some sticky topics. Kind of like honey. 

The 'about' section phrases it perfect: "Milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them. Because there is sweetness everywhere if you are willing to look." 

Great collection of poetry, some of these will stick with me for a long time.