A review by ravensandlace
The Gender Secret by Bella Forrest


I am officially hooked on this series. I love everything and anything about it. The best part about this particular book was it didn't suffer from that middle of the series syndrome. You know what I'm talking about. The middle book in the series that is boring and full of information that is important to the series but at the same time, it's just like give me something. ANYTHING . Well this book delivered. In so many different ways.

It takes places immediately after the first book. Violet is escaping after find out some pretty devastating things. She is attempting to find her brother and figure out the secret of what is so important about what she stole. We get Violet's point of view and Viggo's, which is refreshing. Violet had such a hard time reading him in the first one so it was nice that we finally got to understand what he was feeling.

This book takes place entirely in the Green. The Green is a very inhospitable place. Nature has taken over and fallout from what I assume is nuclear waste has made the place virtually impossible for a human to live in. Violet crashes in the Green and is attempting to reach the Mines to get her brother. Viggo is also in the Green, attempting to get to Violet and bring her to justice in Patrus.

That's about all I will say about the plot for now. Some of things I really liked in this book was the relationship between Violet and Viggo. They are both such strong willed individuals that are stubborn as hell. They refuse to acknowledge their true feelings for one another. As I read, I sat there thinking stop being so damn stubborn!!.

Another thing that I really liked is how similar it is to The Hunger Games but still different enough that it doesn't feel like copying. I do not know what came first. Both have dystopian societies that keep secrets and lies from their people. Both have a heroine that is basically an issue in society. Both have group/groups that want to overthrow the government in exchange for a, what they think is a, better one. I will not lie,
when Desmond (who is the leader of the Liberators) was giving Violet in opportunity to join their side and help overthrow the government, all I could think was be the Mockingjay, Violet. Become the Mockingjay. I clearly read too much. I was also really hoping she doesn't turn out to be like Coin. Because that would suck. A lot.

Much to my dismay, I have to wait to the end of the month to read the last book. So if you want to start this series, wait until after December 31. That way you can blow through it and not have to wait for the last book. Because this one leaves you at a cliffhanger. And then you will be like me. Mad and impatient.