A review by obscurepages
Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch



Okay, so I did not love the second book as much I LOVED the first book. But this one, this third book, this finale, this conclusion, is everything I imagined! This is such a good way to end this wonderful series.

The action and suspense that I came to love in the first book is back! Meira feels the weight of the world more on her shoulders in this book, as she finally comes to terms with her conduit magic, the Order, and what is necessary to save not just the kingdom of Winter, but the entire Primoria.
I dreaded the last part of this book because I loved Meira and how she changed in the course of three books. I just wasn't ready to let her go. But my theory saved me! (Yep that's right, my theory was once again correct.)
I liked the alternating point of views as well. I was able to grasp what was happening in different places, in different perspectives.
I wish there was more story in the end, though. When the war was finally over, I hoped for a celebration, and even a proper mourning to those who were killed. (Okay maybe I'm still mad about the death of two minor characters here. I need some sort of closure.) And of course, how Primoria is healing after the wounds Angra and the Decay has caused.

It's safe to say this series has become one of my favorites now. The characters worm their ways into your hearts after a period of time. The story of course, makes you want for more as you read the pages one by one; full action, thrill, love, friendship, determination, and sacrifice.

I can't believe this is the last book, the end to this amazing journey.

If I had to pick a way to die, it would be this—to go out in a rainbow of life and energy. To know that my life was valued by others.
To know that I was loved.