A review by joecrowe
Pacific Rim: Man, Machines & Monsters by David S. Cohen


This book is a celebration in book form. The book shows off gorgeous concept art and pages from creator Guillermo Del Toro’s notebooks. It tells all about the story of the movie, the cast, and filming.

The book has fun removable bits, victory posters and ID badges. And blueprints! Blueprints of the armored Jaegers. Did they find these in my history notebook from when I was 13?

There is so very much in this book that we were afraid to open it. It’s a spoiler warning on every page, so I confess I have only seen pages as I flipped rapidly through, afraid to dwell too long, fearing that I could not handle the joy held within.

If you have not seen the movie, I forbid you from ever opening this book. It's a safety issue.

My site ran a contest to win this book. Contestants wrote haiku about Pacific Rim. Check out the winners!