A review by saltygalreads
A Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe by Mark Dawidziak


When most people hear the name Edgar Allan Poe, they immediately think of a grim and gaunt figure and the associated connotations - gloom, melancholy, madness, death and despair. The fact that most people are only familiar with his horror stories are partially responsible for this impression.

This biographical book focuses on EAP's final years leading up to his mysterious death, and sheds some light on his romantic relationships and friendships over the years. There was indeed some melancholy and even despair in Poe's life, but not to the extent that is generally believed. He experienced periods of great happiness and productivity in his life, often the times when some of his greatest work was produced. Of course he was also mercurial, querulous and needy - he made a number of enemies throughout his short life and some of them did their best to disparage his memory.

In 1849 he went missing for three days and when finally found, he was desperately ill and wearing someone else's tattered clothing. Deliriously feverish, he died in Baltimore at just 40 years of age.

The author attempts to put some clarity around these mysterious last days, and he does a reasonable job of providing a plausible explanation. He also shines a light on Poe's tragic losses, his need to be loved, struggle with alcohol and poverty and the series of friendships and enemies he made over his brief life and career. The author also wisely acknowledges that some of the mystery around EAP will never be solved and this mystique has helped him linger in the popular imagination for all these years. An excellent read - well-researched and fascinating. Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the copy to review.