A review by emilym88
The Broken Heart: Applying the Atonement to Life's Experiences by Bruce C. Hafen


This is hands-down the best LDS book I've read. It took me a long time to finish because I ended up starting over halfway through so I could soak some more in. One of my biggest gospel questions has been "but how do I REALLY access the Atonement?"—sometimes in theory it seems a lot easier than it actually is for me. Bruce Hafen makes the Atonement way more accessible and easier to put into practice by going through a "life cycle" using the story of Adam and Eve (similar to a Joseph Campbell's hero's journey symbolic story pattern). Through this story, he explains how the Atonement helps us with sin, mistakes, habits and tendencies we have, and even healing from the result of people's agency or just life happening. I felt like this book really helped me understand (1) how the Atonement really does apply and can help me in so many aspects of life, and (2) why the Adam and Eve story is so important and such a focus in the church.

Although there were a few chapters that seemed a little outdated to me, overall, this book has held up well. I will definitely use it as a reference in the future and read it as some point again.